Sunday, 14 December 2014

Macro Sub-Genre Conventions (13)

Macro Sub-Genre Conventions

Macro is the structural elements in a film and is the story that the film tells the audience which includes the producers, audiences, cast, plot lines, characters and the order in which the story line is told to the audience. 

Teen films 

Teen films share similar plots and there is a theme of "Coming of age" in these films and this may be represented in the following;

. Youthfulness of central characters
. Conflict with relationships
. Conflict with an older generation
. Management of adolescence families, schools, law 
. Romance and sexuality

Sub Genres

There are two sub genres of Teen Films which are Youth Dramas and High School Dramas and both represent the coming of age in different ways, for example how the story unfolds through the narrative and the characters/social groups we see. 

Analysis of High School Dramas  

What is the key plot idea introduced in the title sequence?
Animated sequence of 2 guys dancing. Uses simple colours for background and titles. It hints that these 2 best friends might be separated in the movie

In what order is the storyline introduced?
Chronological order- 2 friends talking on the phone while 1 is on his way to pick up his friend. Their concerns are sex, family, education.

What characters are introduced?
The two friends and one of their mum

What social groups are represented? How are they represented (positively, negatively, stereo-typically/ us of binary oppositions)?
Young male students- complex representation as their topic of discussion is gross but they’re both likeable characters. They are the stereo typical concept of being a 'nerd'.

What is the key plot idea introduced in the title sequence?
We are shown various cars with teenagers/ adults and it is clear that they are going to school on a weekend and that they all have detention thus giving them something in common though it is clear, from their costumes and mannerisms, that they are from all different cliques. 

In what order is the storyline introduced?
Chronological order- no flashbacks.

What characters are introduced?
There are five different characters that are introduced, all youthful characters, teenagers of all different cliques and one teacher. 

What social groups are represented? How are they represented (positively, negatively, stereo-typically/ us of binary oppositions)?
Young students, all with different backgrounds, socially awkward to the popular "jock" stereotypical high school students. 

Analysis of Youth Dramas 

What is the key plot idea introduced in the title sequence?
We are shown various rioting clips that indicate rebellion, teenagers versus police, and the aftermath of rioting

In what order is the storyline introduced?
Chronological but there is one flashback scene at the beginning of a news clip to provide details about why the riots are happening  

What characters are introduced?
We are introduced to two characters Said and Vinz, one is Jewish and the other is Arab and they are both friends. 

What social groups are represented? How are they represented (positively, negatively, stereo-typically/ us of binary oppositions)?
Both are young and working class, Said is Arab and Vinz is Jewish. They are both represented as positive characters and negative characters, complex representation, they are rude and aggressive but likeable as there is humour involved. The police in this film is represented as negative. 

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